As designers we have to undergo evolutions, we have to nourish our knowledge. We share knowledge through our projects and want to show where we learn from, inviting you to suggest more and creating a shared community of knowledge.

The Global Risks Report 2019. Executive Summary. World Economic Forum.
Environmental risks continue to dominate the results of our annual Global Risks Perception Survey. Extreme weather was the risk of greatest concern, but our survey respondents are increasingly worried about environmental policy failure.

Sustainable Development Report 2019. Executive Summary. Bertelmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
Trends on climate (SDG 13) and biodiversity (SDG 14 and SDG 15) are alarming. Trends on greenhouse gas emissions and, even more so, on threatened species are moving in the wrong direction.

Urban Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe 2016. Climate and Urban Europe – Changes Ahead. European Environment Agency
Cities matter to people living within and beyond their borders. Urban adaptation is one key element that can prepare cities and Europe for the future climate.

“In Search of Impact. Measuring the full value of capital” University of Cambridge. Institute for Sustainable Leadership
We define investment impact as the social and environmental outcomes of investment rather than the intentions or processes behind it.

David SIM, Soft City. Building Density for Everyday Life (Washington: Islandpress, 2019) ISBN 9781642830187
Neighborhood is not a place, it is a state of mind.

Herman HERTZBERGER, Lessons for Students in Architecture. The Public Domain (Rotterdam: nai010, 2016 ) ISBN 9789462083196
Paying equal attention to housing and street alike means treating the street not merely as the residual space between housing blocks, but rather as a fundamentally complementary element, spatially organized with just as much care so that a situation is created in which the street can serve more purposes besides motorized traffic.